There are many places to invest your money today, some have very little or almost no risk, but show a small return that doesn't even keep up with inflation. Others have a high degree of risk, and if they hit, you make a great return, if not you lose some or all of your investment. What is very hard to find is the possibility of a great return, with a reasonable expectation of a solid return. We feel we have one of those rare opportunities. If you are an accredited investor, and are willing to take a reasonable amount of risk with a minimum of 10-20k, you will definitely want to schedule a call with us. We believe anyone who has access to the information, and is willing to take advantage of a winner when they see one, is going to be at least mildly successful. If our instincts are right, you will be part of something big and will hit a homerun with this one! We are very busy, but we honor our commitments, so if you are serious, schedule a call, we will show you what we mean, answer any questions you might have, and you be the judge!
Salaries & Legal
Marketing &
In-App Purchases
Freemium - $0/mo
Premium - $5.95/mo
Pro/Elite - $159.95/mo
In-App, Website, Newsletter
Revenue Share
Events & Virtual
Product Placement
On Course-Off Course Contests
Partnership Offers
6.2 Million Americans are using golf simulators, and more than half (53%) don't play traditional on-course golf.
Trending off-course golf formats show growing PREGAME trends such as:
Mobile Golf Games
Virtual Simulators
Night Golf
This is a 506(c) investment offering open to accredited investors only with a minimum investment of 2 units ($9,800 USD per unit).
The following information is an investment summary provided to prospective investors and others. This information is not an offering to sell either a security or a solicitation to sell a security. At the request of a recipient, the Company will provide a private placement memorandum, subscription agreement and the Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement. The Managing Member in no way guarantees the projections contained herein. Values, income, expenses and development costs are all affected by a multitude of forces outside the Managing Member’s control. This investment is illiquid and only those persons that are able and willing to risk their entire investment should participate. Please consult your attorney, CPA and/or professional financial advisor regarding the suitability of an investment by you.
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